Encourage (E1)

PosiPaws - How It Helps Children

E3 AZ Foundation, Inc.’s PosiPaws program is more than just about giving away stuffed animals. With each plush friend given we do it with intention and love. This program began in 2018 after our founder, Amber, had an unforgettable interaction with a child who was in foster care. Here is the story of how PosiPaws, a program that brings light and positivity to a child's life, came to be. 

From Amber Illescas, Founder of E3 AZ Foundation and the PosiPaws Program:

“In 2014, my mother, a registered foster parent, received a call from DCS for her first foster care placement. The child was an adorable 4-year-old girl named Laila. I’ll always remember the heavy sadness this girl felt coming into a stranger’s home with no familiar faces. Despite that, Laila and I became best friends. I thought I was being a positive role model for her, but little did I know that she was the one playing a huge role in my life and future. Within four months, it was time for Laila to be placed with her aunt and uncle.

On our way to say goodbye to her, my family and I stopped at a Walgreens. Inside the store, I saw an entire aisle dedicated to Valentine’s Day stuffed animals that were 75-80% off. Since we have many children in our families and environment, I knew that I could grab a handful of stuffed animals and find good homes for them. But there was one stuffed animal... A white teddy bear with a brown knit sweater. I said to myself, “This one is for Laila.”

As we entered my mom’s house, there sat Laila on the couch with the biggest, most contagious smile.

“Laila, I have a surprise for you!” Excited, she waited to see what I was pulling out from behind my back.

I said in a soft teddy bear voice, “You’re so pretty. You’re so smart. You are going to do great things when you are older.”

I have never seen someone smile so big as she replied, “Really, you think so?"

I confirmed, “Yes, and if you ever forget, here is this little teddy bear to remind you.”

Did You Know?

In the state of Arizona, approximately 80% of children in out-of-home care are removed from their homes due to neglect. It's heartbreaking to process this number. Sadly, it's very likely children in out-of-home care have never heard positive words spoken to them in their homes. To remedy this, we introduced the PosiPaws program. PosiPaws collects, prepares, and distributes stuffed animals for youth in need. What makes these plush, stuffed animals so special are the volunteers who write positive, uplifting messages, and attach them to the stuffed animals. This offers the kids the plush comfort and love they were desperately missing. PosiPaws aligns with our mission to Encourage (E1) and Empower (E3) youth by using the power of positive affirmations. Having a message such as "You are awesome!" or "You are creative!" can go a long way for a child who may otherwise never hear those positive words. In the end, these positive messages help children feel loved, appreciated, comforted, and bring a much needed, big boost to their self-esteem.

Our founder always wanted to provide stuffed animals that carried positive messages to others. A few years later, she founded E3 AZ Foundation and the PosiPaws program was born. It was the very first program E3 initiated.

Note: If you are interested in supporting our cause, contact us at www.e3az.org.

To keep our kids safe we are not collecting individual donations of new stuffed animals in person during the pandemic, however, you can donate a stuffed animal through Amazon. You can also support us by making a tax-deductible donation. Thank you for all you do!

Monica McP

Team Member

"I care about people, I care about my community and I care about the world."