Encourage (E1)

How Jayden Found Jax - A PosiPaws Success Story

It's About Giving

We hold what are called "Teddy Bear Toss" events in order to gather stuffed animals for the PosiPaws program. These events are typically done in partnership with another organization or company. It's about getting volunteers to ceremoniously gather as many stuffed animals together as possible. Employees, members, fans, or the public can participate by donating a new stuffed animal. Everyone in unison then tosses the toy they brought into an enclosure.

During one of our Teddy Bear Toss events with Phoenix Rising, a young boy excitedly approached our founder. He proudly thrust out in front of him a jaguar stuffed animal and proudly asked, “This is Jag! Would you give this to a boy?”

We don’t know the story behind this special stuffed animal. We don't know if the boy purchased it using his own allowance money or if he was hand-picked specifically for someone. What WAS unforgettable was the proud, caring heart of this young boy whose only intention was to do good. Our founder responded, “Thank you so much!  We will make sure Jag goes to the perfect home.”  

Jax's Journey to Jayden

Do you remember your favorite stuffed animal?  Its name?  Do you remember what was special about it or how it made you feel?  Maybe you even still have your special friend. (Don't worry, we won't tell.) For these kids, getting a stuffed animal, especially one equipped with a special message, evokes a sense of comfort, love, and security – emotions that some children may not have experienced up to this point.

Fast-forward to December 2019, E3 AZ Foundation partnered with Catholic Charities and St. Thomas More to take photos and distribute almost 200 stuffed animals. Remember Jag, the stuffed jaguar? We brought him along to find his forever friend. That day, two volunteers simultaneously identified Jag’s forever friend. Jag, the stuffed jaguar, found his home with a young boy with a huge smile named Jayden.

That day, we told Jayden that we had a special stuffed animal just for him, named Jag. Jayden was so excited and happy to have Jag. If his contagious smile wasn’t already big while he was selflessly helping others, it grew exponentially larger as his eyes lit up once he saw Jag.  

Monica McPherson, an E3 AZ member recalls Jayden. “There was something so unique about Jayden. His smile and kindness exuded a spirit of love. He was so caring. He even helped us hand out stuffed animals to other children. It makes me happy to know what this stuffed animal has done for him.”

Jag the Jaguar, affectionately renamed Jax, was more than just a stuffed animal to Jayden. Just like Jayden, Jax exuded a special spirit of love and comfort. At E3 AZ Foundation, we do our best to allow kids to select the one stuffed animal that speaks to them. There is a beautiful connection that happens between children and their stuffed animals.

They're More Than Stuffed Animals

What makes these stuffed animals so special is that they come from the community. Whether a new stuffed animal was donated or a donor gave money so we could purchase them, each stuffed animal is hand-selected with love. We have also invited the community to provide positive words of encouragement to our youth. This way, it is more than “just a stuffed animal”, but a forever friend filled with love gifted to each child.  

Seven months later, we were able to reconnect with Jayden’s parents. His mom reports, “He sleeps every night with him (Jax). We can now also turn off all of his lights because Jax is in bed with him and keeps him [company] and he isn’t scared anymore.” Wow! What a beautiful outcome! All because of another young boy’s simple, loving gesture to donate Jax (formerly Jag) to someone in need. If only we could find the young man who made this amazing story possible…

Note: If you are interested in supporting our cause, contact us at www.e3az.org.

To keep our kids safe we are not collecting individual donations of new stuffed animals in person during the pandemic, however, you can donate a stuffed animal through Amazon. You can also support us by making a tax-deductible donation. Thank you for all you do!

Amber Illescas

E3 Founder

Founder and President of E3 AZ Foundation